The objective of this research program is to understand those disruptions and analyse the economic, policy, legal, regulatory and standardization issues involved in using data. Our focus will be on Non-Personal Data (NPD) which includes IOT data from smart city sensors, video data from surveillance cameras, legal and property records, data from cellular providers and similar. We aim to include sociological and public policy perspectives, legal studies, mathematical models and analysis, simulation models, algorithmic investigations and other similar approaches. The unique aspect of this effort is that it is done against the backdrop of the IUDX platform, which is being deployed in 50 Indian cities connected to real sources of data. The cities will create important use cases upon the platform and provide valuable insights regarding economic and citizen welfare.
We have begun our investigation with studying the importance of data sharing in the health sector and its effects in the context of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Presently, we are trying to explore the global regulations and policies around NPD to draw important lessons for NPD data governance in India