IUDX will only succeed if there is a strong partnership and collaboration with the entire Smart City ecosystem. We are deeply engaged with all categories of partners and will formally announce these partnership programs and the participants over the next few months.



IUDX is deeply engaged with a variety of research partners. These are typically academic institutions, independent research organizations, or governmental research entities. They are working on a variety of issues such as data security, data policy, and applications. Key partners include:


We are creating an IUDX consortium, which will make it easy for all types of companies to work with IUDX and the cities deploying IUDX. This includes various Indian companies, multinationals with operations in India, government-owned for-profit companies, and start-ups that are creating software, hardware or related services that relate to IUDX.

Industry consortium members will provide technical expertise and skills to IUDX, contribute open-source code to the platform, create use cases and applications using data obtained through IUDX, and also act as data providers with valuable non-private data. The IUDX program will not be possible without these valuable partners. Any company interested in participating in the IUDX consortium should contact us at consortium@iudx.org.in

international PARTNERS

Other collaborators with IUDX include NGOs, Think Tank, Policy Advocacy groups in the urban domain making policy decisions and/or recommendations. They will foster IUDX engagement with the civic communities and act as an advocacy arm of IUDX for promotion of open data policies. IUDX will look to collaborate heavily with other open source organisations around the world. Examples are the FIWARE Foundation and Linux Foundation.